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16 best destinations for November


November is traditionally considered as the month of the” low season”, and quite undeservedly. After you spent enough time after the summer vacation and the new year holidays are still far away – it’s time to at least briefly change the situation, recharge with solar heat, vitamins and fresh impressions. 

At the same time, airlines usually offer their best prices in November, and hotels, restaurants and museums are pleased with a variety of discounts and special programs.

Beach resort

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1. Mauritius
Max temp: 26C

Mauritius is a small island in the Indian ocean. No industry. There are no industrial giants at all. Only sugar cane plantations (this is the main source of income of the island) and tourism.
Mauritius provides absolutely everything: beautiful beaches, magical lagoon, luxurious vegetation, majestic mountains. The country abounds in treasures of nature and architectural monuments.
Mauritius is an ideal place for all kinds of water sports. Water skiing, surfing, snorkeling hotels often offer free. Sailing and scuba diving are also available.
2. Egypt 
Max temp: 28C  

The exhausting heat is replaced by warm sunny days in November which makes the rest so pleasant. The weather forecast in Egypt in November is quite optimistic — the water temperature reaches 24-26 degrees, and the air warms up to 30 degrees during the day.
The weather in Egypt in November is favorable for long excursions deep into the country, and although it is still quite hot in Aswan and Luxor — about 28 degrees, in Alexandria the daytime temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.
Tourists at this time can indulge in shopping at one of the bazaars, hang out until the morning in bars and discos, and in the restaurants of hotels they will be served strawberries and watermelons, recalling that the summer fairy tale in Egypt never ends.
3. Cuba
Max temp: 28C

Cuba has very favorable climatic conditions, allowing you to enjoy all the delights of this wonderful island. Actually, there are lots of them. Featuring exotic trips, sports entertainment, miles of white beaches and a great nightlife. Everyone who comes here will be able to fully experience the cult spirit of freedom that so accurately characterizes the country.
This month there is no suffocating heat and scorching sun, so spending time on the beach is twice as pleasant. 

The free time from the beach in November can be devoted to the study of the island: ancient cities with perfectly preserved colonial architecture, original Indian villages and cool tropical forests with many strange birds, tobacco plantations, and much more. 

4. UAE
Max temp: 31C

The UAE is a state-phenomenon that grew up on the place of lifeless sands and in 40 years turned into one of the most prosperous countries in the world. Seven Emirates – seven different “worlds”, but between them there are a lot in common.
Beach lovers will appreciate the resorts located along the Persian Gulf, the water temperature here is about +25 ° C. However, keep in mind that in November it gets dark early – at about 16.45. 
The slogan of the tourist industry: to surprise and amaze once more, no matter how much it took for this financial investment. It was here that first appeared 7* hotels with gold toilets.

In November, the entire world racing community is waiting for one of the main events – the Formula 1 World Championship in Abu Dhabi. This competition lasts for 3 days, and each evening ends with a festive concert.

5. Tunisia
Max temp: 25C

The sea and the beach in late autumn delight with its warmth. Moderately hot weather allows sunbathing and even swimming, water sports, children have fun on the beach rides. The best for vacation are the beaches of Sousse, Hamammet and brown Sands of Mahdia.
Warm days and cool evenings in the last month of autumn are the perfect period for sightseeing in Tunisia. In the Bardo Museum you will see the world’s largest collection of Roman mosaics, the ancient palaces of Dar al-Bei Dar Ben Abdallah amaze with the beauty of painting and multicolored marble. 

Be sure to visit the ancient Carthage with its historically priceless temples, theaters, and thermal baths. The amphitheatre in El JEM, with its dark cellars where slaves once lived, and a beautiful view of the city from the top floor, deserves attention. Very interesting monument to the three gods-Jupiter, Juno and Minevra, the Roman bath and the temple of Juno Celeste in the ancient city of Dugga .
In late autumn, tourists enjoy camel rides in the Sahara desert. To see dunes and oases, to visit a mini-zoo in the desert, to travel to its mountainous part by jeeps means to get unforgettable impressions of rest in Tunisia in November.

The country is considered to be a Spa resort. Beauty treatments based on mineral water, as well as a very popular thalassotherapy now attracts tourists with a real European quality and low Arab prices, which this month are even lower.

6. India
Max temp: 29C

To soothe the soul and body you should go to India. In Goa, you can not only calm, but also put to sleep, at least the body so accurately, all that is required is to turn over every 15 minutes from side to side while lying on the beach. Yoga tours are also popular in India. 

The transport system in India is well developed, however, as well as the cunning of taxi drivers. Often the taxi driver can take you away to the wrong place where you asked, and after that you will need to pay on top so that he takes you where you need it. To cope with such a driver, he needs to threaten that you will contact his superiors, and do not forget to rewrite the car number with a serious look.

7. Maldives
Max temp: 30C

In November, the holiday season officially opens. In this regard, the influx of tourists increases significantly. Nevertheless, on the beaches you will not find any crowds, no queues, no noisy discos. They are organized in such a way that being on them passes without extra eyes and pressing vanity. Isolation, exclusive service, unusual purity (one might even say sterile), delightful landscapes and azure bays filled with bright corals – these are the distinctive features of Maldivian beaches.

Maldives are widely known for their atolls, resorts, each of which represents its own unique world, surrounded by the purest coral beaches and clear blue sea. Rest in the Maldives is suitable, first of all, for those who want to relax from the hustle and bustle, away from civilization.

8. Cambodia
Max temp: 30C

Cambodia is an unfamiliar and surprising culture for Europeans, a different way of life, and other values. Here in the East, everything is different. And if you are planning a vacation in Cambodia in November, you can think of excursions that can be made at this time. At this time, the rainy season is just ending, and if it rains, it is mostly at night.

There are lots of places to visit: palaces and statues, which also form the capital, the towers and spires of the incomparable Angkor temple complex, beach resorts that appear around Sihanoukville. In November 2018 in Cambodia, the air temperature is expected from 31 degrees to 34 degrees. The water temperature is 28.

9. Dubai
Max temp: 27C
The weather at this time is dry and warm, so here it is equally comfortable to both sunbathe and swim on the beach, and go on various excursions, walk around the city or go in for the famous Dubai shopping.
If you like to walk around the cities looking at buildings, sights, look in parks, honor attractions, then November is the best time for it.
Also in Dubai there is everything for lovers of water parks and other outdoor entertainment – high-speed high water slides (you can accelerate up to 80 km / h), dozens of rides – steeper one another, waterfalls, tropical showers, swimming pools with large artificial waves 2.5 meters for surfers (both beginners and pros).

To walk around

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10. The Czech Republic
Max temp: 12C

Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The Czech capital is always beautiful, but in November it becomes calm and serene.
Prague offers a wide variety of excursions – from the simplest sightseeing bus and walking tour of Prague for € 15 (it is ideal for the first meeting with the city) to the most popular excursions in the quest genre.

You can also go to the springs in Karlovy Vary (€ 30) or travel to neighboring Germany: Nuremberg (€ 55), Dresden (€ 35) or even Munich (for 2 days and with a stop at Neuschwanstein Castle – € 125).
What do you think about the opportunity to see the sights of the Czech Republic from a height? Romantic flight for two on a light aircraft costs € 199 – choose the direction and program.
If you are going to Prague in November, just in case, be prepared for the vagaries of the weather: dry arid days will be replaced by rainy and foggy, and at the end of the month there will probably be snow.
11. Spain
Max temp: 16C

Spain in November is a good time for history lovers, because in the off-season optimal conditions come for exploring the sights, and prices for accommodation and food in restaurants and cafes are sharply reduced in comparison with summer prices.
Spain offers interesting tours, excursions and thoughtful entertainment “under the roof” (jazz festival in Madrid, Granada, the weekly film festival in Seville, the festival of olives in Baena and many others).
Also here it is worth trying gastronomic masterpieces, exquisite dishes, wines.
Spain is also a great place to stay with children.
12. Greece
Max temp: 20C
You can also visit Greece in the last month of autumn. In addition to a large number of excursions offered in the country, you can spend some time shopping. The country of the Olympic Games, gods, myths and mystical legends can pleasantly surprise and captivate even the most discerning traveler.
The Acropolis, the Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Palace of Knossos, Achillion, the Parthenon, the Temple of Hephaestus, the Odeon of Herodes Attica, the Tower of the Winds and much more – everything amazes with its grandeur, power and antiquity.
That is why lovers of history, ancient myths and educational journeys think about vacation in Greece in November. If you decide to go on a tour of the cities of Greece in November, then take with you warm clothes. During a day air warms up to + 20°C, but at night the temperature may not exceed + 10°C.
architecture travel tips
 13. Morocco
Max temp: 21C
The ancient capitals of Morocco and the bustling bazaars will allow you to feel yourself in the epicenter of Arab culture and plunge into the atmosphere of an oriental tale. In November there is a great warm weather, ideal for a long stay under the sun. However, you should plan your time as efficiently as possible, as it gets dark quite early, and after that the air cools down in an instant. Fans of extreme vacation can take part in a jeep safari in the Western Sahara, while there is not too cold weather.
You can go to the valley of Massa, full of lush greenery and pink flamingos. If your goal is to get the maximum relax, a trip to the traditional hammam in Marrakesh will be a good solution.
14. Nepal
Max temp: 17C

November is the optimum time for trekking in the Himalayas: it’s not too hot, the sky is clear enough to see where you’re going, the peaks and high passes are clear enough for trekking, and it’s the tail-end of high season. Whichever route you’re taking – the Annapurna Circuit and Everest are breathtakingly beautiful at this time of year – you’re likely to pass through Kathmandu. 
The gateway city is a remarkable place to spend a few days in before or after trekking: for the Buddhist monasteries and stupas, gardens, enchanting old buildings and colonial air, shopping and the insanely good street food.
15. Myanmar
Max temp: 32C

In November in Myanmar, the temperature on the beaches drops, but remains still comfortable for various types of recreation, especially considering that no rain is expected in these regions in November. So, in Bagan, one of the most popular resorts of Myanmar, during the day the air can warm up to the level of + 32 °, and at night comes the long-awaited coolness – about + 23 °.
One of the advantages of recreation in the winter season in Myanmar is the fact that this is the best time for diving, because neither precipitation nor the sweltering heat during this period will prevent this activity.
Even if you are planning a trip to the continental part of Burma, then November will be the perfect month, since favorable weather conditions are formed here from September to the end of May.
16. Italy 
Max temp: 17C
A great opportunity in November comes for those who want to see the Colosseum in Rome or ride a gondola in Venice. Relatively inexpensive you can fly to Italy.
At this time of the year, it is especially comfortable to make excursion tours, since the weather on the mainland is wonderful, rainfall is rare, and even short.
Trips to ancient Rome, fabulous Venice, Verona or Milan will add to your cultural baggage, since it is here that cultural and historical objects of world importance are concentrated. Also it is tempting to look tours to Italy in November at the ski resorts.
It is possible to conquer steep descents or just master skiing skills in many regions, for example, in Alta Valtellina, the Dolomites, in Dolomiti di Brenta, etc.
Understand what you want, and most importantly do not forget, no matter where you go, rest in November will give an incredible feeling👌
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