how to reduce the weight of suitcase. Backpacking

9 tips on how to reduce the weight of a suitcase

Before the trip Road trips Travel tips
How to reduce the weight of the suitcase

Let’s evaluate objectively, heavy luggage is annoying, tiring, and sometimes quite expensive. With this short guide, you will forget about heavy suitcases and experience the charm of traveling light. Indeed, why can’t we take the example of experienced travelers who can travel the world with a light backpack? Why do we try to squeeze all our wardrobe into a suitcase? A few simple principles will help to reduce the weight of a suitcase.

1. Do not take things which you will have  on the place of destination

Before collecting your bags, take a few minutes to call the hotel, hostel or the place where you plan to stay. Ask if there are towels, sheets, hair dryers, slippers, and toiletries. If so, leave it all at home.

2. Consider the time of year and the weather.

Is it cold there? Take warm clothes. Will there be hot weather? Take t-shirts. Do not pick up things “just in case”.

3. Choose the right colors. 

If you choose the clothes in one style and tone, you will be able to combine them with each other and every day walk in a new outfit without overloading the suitcase.

4. A simple rule 

For travels shorter than a week, there is one simple rule: take exactly as many things as you need. Not less, no more. One shirt or T-shirt and a set of underwear for every day of the trip, a sweater (jacket), a pair of pants, two pairs of shoes, plus seasonal clothes: windbreaker, jacket, swimsuit. In 90% of cases it will be enough.

5. Double check 

Before packing your things in your suitcase, you need to conduct a final audit. Ideally, you can make a list of everything you are going to take, including even the little things, such as socks and toiletries. Or just lay them out on the couch or on the floor. Thus, you will clearly see what you can refuse.

6. Carry the heaviest things on yourself

This little trick is well known to experienced travelers. That is why, even in the summer heat, they often fly in heavy boots, jeans and a jacket. This is not always comfortable, but you can save lots of space.

7. Use the laundry 

If you know there will be laundry available, don’t bring tons of clothes – you can take only the necessary minimum of items with you and wash them periodically

8. Little things don’t exist

Have you noticed that most of your luggage is occupied by small things? A bottle of shampoo, a bottle of shaving foam, eau de toilette, and the free space in your suitcase disappear. Therefore, you should take special small versions of the necessary items in small packages. If this is a liquid, you can pour the required amount into a smaller container. 

9. Maps, guidebooks, and other papers

It’s interesting to know how many people plan their route using brochures and magazines that only increase the weight of a suitcase. Download the necessary applications to your smartphone, send yourself an email with the necessary information (if there is an Internet connection). 

Or use RouteMe app to get necessary data even offline. Direct me to get an early access to the app for FREE.

Wish you a great journey and light suitcase! 

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